Shadowland Messages: Subcultures & Faith
What does Faith in the subcultures really mean... For those who have spent many years in the subcultures and have come out of it to Christianity....the very thought of Christians being within the subcultures seems nearly impossible due to the spiritual darkness and bondage within the Shadowlands. There ARE many things out there tied into the subcultures that MUST be broken with to serve Christ. Our lives must line up with the Word, or we are but in bondage ourselves, to a Christianity that does not glorify the Lord, but the flesh instead. " Rebellion , Necromancy, Idolitry (anything placed above God) , Lust , Sexual Perversions, Sex (outside of marriage), Murder, Cutting, Suicide (attempts), Drugs, Drinking, Gluttony, Self- Harm , Injustice, Oppression, Victimisation, Abuse, Wrath, Hate, and anything other things to which God says 'No'..." All these MUST be br...