Support & Bi-Vo
Why at Shaddow Croos are our missionaries 50/50 Support and Bi-Vocationally based?
We see the importance of both allowing supporters to partner with our missionaries, and our missionaries being "tent-makers" within their respective communities for the sake of furthering the Gospel and setting good examples for those new to the Faith.
Why raise support?
- Because it allows our missionaries to walk in faith, knowing firsthand the power of God's provision.
- Because it allows those who support our missionaries to partner in the blessings of the ministry.
- Because it connects us with new faces on each deputation trip.
- Because Jesus and the 12 Disciples modeled it for us.
- Because it connects our missionaries within their local communities meeting people they would not have a chance to otherwise.
- Because it sets good examples for new believers.
- Because it was modeled to us by Paul, Luke, Priscilla, and Aquilla, and many others.
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