Underground Wire: Blue Rose V1-I2

Underground Wire: Blue Rose

Version 1: Issue 2                                                    Spring '06

The Underground Wire exists to share awareness throughout the Christian Subculture & Underground Communities of what is happening throughout the Shadowlands.  This is a Wire about the communities for the community!

"How beautiful are the feet of those who
bring the Good News."
Isaiah 52:7 & Romans 10:15

The Christian Goth Gathering
"No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other,
God lives in us, and His love has brought to full expression through us." -
 I John 4:12

At the annual Christian Goth Gathering in November 2004, I saw God bring people, events, and circumstances together, I heard God's voice in their words, and I saw His love in their eyes. It is the closest I have ever come to seeing God... For so long I believed I just didn't fit in anywhere. I began to think the yearning in my heart was normal and would never be satisfied. Then the people of Christian Goth came into my life.

Over the past two years I've had the privilege of watching relationships develop and deepen that were born at the Gathering. I too have developed an even greater appreciation for the many people who shape our culture as Christian Goths, people you will get to know at each year's gathering if you do not already know them.

Our Second Annual Gathering was in November of 2005, and our next Gathering will be October 27-29th, 2006 where is not yet set.  We will come together for the third consecutive year to strengthen and encourage each other, to worship, pray, learn from, and support each other.
Yours in Christ,
David Dellman

Music Corner

I know that for the Gothic Subculture, especially the Christian Goth community, It's hard to find music that moves to the very depth of your spirit, music that speaks our language and reflects our image. Well, rest assured that in this short article, I intend to shed light on the good metal that is out there.
Skillet is a band that combines heavy-hitting guitar riffs along with earth-breaking industrial sounds and tasteful screams. Skillet's lyrics are upfront and straightforward about the pain in this world while ushering in the hope and love of Jesus Christ. Skillet has played big venues across the U.S. with other big mainstream acts while not losing their zeal for God.   Demon Hunter, Extol, and Savior Machine are good options, too.  For a more traditional Gothic sound, check out Leper.
      Thats all for now,
      Celestial Black
 Coventry Corner
Nested in the heart of Coventry, UK, a city of 304,746 in the West Midlands region of England, a "mossian" has begun. Coventry herself was founded between 1022 to 1048 AD, becoming renowned as the home of Lady Goddiva and her famous ride.  On November 14, 1940, durning WWII, St. Michael's Cathedral and 75% of the buildings of inter Coventry were destroyed in an air raid. Today, this ancient city is the 9th largest in England and home to such companies as Jaguar, a car manufacturer, and the Marconi company.

At the Coventry Mossion, the aim is to raise a community of alternatives that reach out to the other freaks in Coventry demonstrating to them what Christianity is really all about.  Their team consists of Stephen, the mossionary, Jude, the pediatric nurse, and others, each with a deep heart for the subculture community.  They have just rented a 6-room dwelling in which to live/minister, and in Stephen's words, "We're gonna have a prayer room, and now we can take care of people as we need to.  We'll be running cell groups and so forth, and we'll be able to be more available for the kids."  Currently, their greatest needs are prayer, cash, and supplies to aid those with whom they minister.
It is their goal to have their team grow in the next 6-18 months. As time goes on and the ministry grows, their dream is to have a constant influence and an obvious presence within the community. They envision owning a larger building with many rooms, lots of bathrooms, a large open fireplace, outside gathering places, and enough land to grow food. All of this is among a large growing group of alternatives becoming personally strong on many levels.

Prayer & Praises
* URGENT: For the for everyone still affected by Hurricane Katrina, including many of our gothic brothers and sisters from New Orleans.
* For Crystal Aucoin from Houma who was in the path of Katrina.
* For wisdom as the Shadow Team guides the growth of Shaddow Cross
* For the gallant military men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan who will be serving in harm's way.
* For Jobs for Morria, Brandon, Andy, Sheila, and any others you know.

* For Robby as he prepares to go to Cornerstone and the Asylum Tent.
* For the safety of our Brazilian subculture brothers and sisters.  A punk was beaten up by a mall security guard for just walking in with a mohawk.
* For those within the sub-cultures struggling with depression and deep hurt, for whatever reasons.
* For BloodGodServant who is going through a hard time.

* For Phil - Shadow Poet's grades as he works to advance in college, as well as every other person who is in college.

* Praise: For the blessings of life!
 * Praise: Brandon's surgery to get a lump removed from his head went well!


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