A New Beginning...

It has been nearly ten years since the ministry was live full-time...
For me (Morria), it has been nigh five years; five years of searching, wandering, and uncertainty... 
Many pathways, many callings, and many pullings to walk many pathways.  
So many people hurting, so many places in need.  
Yet still in the shadowlands, the underground, of my youth does my heart seek refuge...
In the shadow of my God, underneath the stone high cross...

To here a mission was given, my love of olden times, the subcultures in the shadowlands, the rewilding of the land...
My deep belief in Jesus my Creator and Savior.
Five times hath death knocked upon my door...
Thrice by Car: once in rain, once on ice, once by a flood.
Once by Spider and Medicine: Brown Reculus Spider and Lidocaine reaction.
Once by Mystery Illness of whince I still struggle, though no longer bedridden.
In truth, I must be about the tasks given, teaching what I know,
for why else was I spared these many a times?

husly, I present this day: Shaddow Cross - reborn.
A ministry mixed with rewilding, subculture outreach,
 and other events.
Come and sit a spell and listen if you would like, 
for the journey I share is my own, and those who seek to journey alongside me.

~ Lady Morria Nickles


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