The Outposts: How to start one?

The Outposts are places to minister from and to serve those who are in ministry around us.  They are places to refresh, renew, refuel, and restock so that one can head back out into ministry.

A married couple oversees an outpost, with their home being a central hub for their operations.  Bible Studies are hosted in their gathering room, food is served, and prayers are offered.  This outpost acts like a hub of ministry/ministry partnership within the local community, and the face of the larger Shaddow Cross's ministry network.   From here Antioch Bags are gathered, both for the missionaries/pastors themselves and for those whom they serve.  Guest rooms (or more often guest cabins) are provided for those coming for longer than an afternoon.

To start an outpost a couple first must pray and see if their home is in order according to the Scriptures (1 Timothy 3Proverbs 31:10-31).  Secondly, they have applied themselves to ministry preparations, and are ready to serve within the community where they are located.
The site where they host the outpost typically will be an acre or more of land (though some urban outposts might be different) with a community food-forest garden, chickens, rabbits, and other animals as space allows.  If on a larger acreage, outbuildings might be built to include:

  • Gathering Hall - meetings, teaching, and hosting events 

  • Prayer Chapel - a small place where prayer warriors can go to privately pray.

  • Guest Cabins - for those coming for a few nights retreat to meet with God, then return to full-time service, without having to leave their local area of ministry.

  • Bunk-Houses - for work teams coming to serve in the area, via the outpost, and with local churches.
For those say, "Isn't this vague?" 
Yes, intentionally, we are not giving all detail on starting an outpost publically, because that is something we and future outpost leaders go over in depth together when the time comes for them to start one.  ^_^

In His Service,


Note:  Official Shaddow Cross Outposts are lead by a leadership couple who have either will have gone through our School of the Underground (tentatively set to launch 2025), or other equivalent training.  Contact Lady Morria via FB or Email for more information in wishing to learn more about starting one.


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