
Shadowlands Musings: What if my differentness is what God is wanting to Use?

 I went out to serve as a missionary in Dine' Bikeyah beginning summer of 2008, and in January 2009, a group of people from the board I was then with (in addition to Shaddow Cross) , had a "talk" with me.   That basically entailed explaining to me why I, who had served in subculture ministry for 7 years, should abandon all trappings of my Gothness, and hopefully all subculture trappings. I sadly believed that to minister out where I was called, that had to be true, due to cultural taboos.  I was broken, but I did my best to hide myself looking more desert and steampunk than Goth.   For five years I lived like this, until my mother's death, and my Gothness came out in fullness.  Only to be put away partially again by the end of 2015.   But from 2015 through 2017, I was in-depth introduced to the subcultures on the reservations.  Metalheads, emos, a few goths, punks, skaters.  They were all there, just I hadn't seen them before....

The Outposts: How to start one?

T he Outposts are places to minister from and to serve those who are in ministry around us.  They are places to refresh, renew, refuel, and restock so that one can head back out into ministry. A married couple oversees an outpost, with their home being a central hub for their operations.  Bible Studies are hosted in their gathering room, food is served, and prayers are offered.  This outpost acts like a hub of ministry/ministry partnership within the local community, and the face of the larger Shaddow Cross's ministry network.   From here Antioch Bags are gathered, both for the missionaries/pastors themselves and for those whom they serve.  Guest rooms  (or more often guest cabins)  are provided for those coming for longer than an afternoon.   To start an outpost a couple first must pray and see if their home is in order according to the Scriptures ( 1 Timothy 3 &  Proverbs 31:10-31 ).  Secondly, they have applied themselves to...

Shadowlands Musings: Faith of the Early Church (Part 1)

Here is a sampling of Creeds, Prayers, and Songs of the Early Church.  We have focused here mostly on 30 AD to 99 AD, in the future we will look into additional Creeds, Prayers, and Songs of the Faith 100s through 500s AD in addition posts. Enjoy! Disciples' Prayer (30's AD) Our Father who is in Heaven, Hallowed be Your Name. Your Kingdom come. You will be done. On Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our needed bread. And forgive us our Sins,  As we forgive those who do wrong to us. For Yours is the Kingdom, Power, and Glory Forever. Amen. (Matthew, Luke, & Often Quoted in Farther Writings) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cornith Creed (36-54 AD) Christ died for our sins in accordance with Scripture. Christ was buried and on the Third Day rose again, in accordance with Scripture. Christ appeared to Peter first, then the 11. Christ appeared before the 500, James his brother, all the apostles, and lastly before Paul,  who once persecuted the Church. By God's gr...

Desert Refuge Wire: Summer '23

Dear Friends, Family, and Supporters, Summer's heat has come back to the forests of Eastern Tennessee, along with smoke from the wildfires up north in Canada.  We have been blessed to get a beautiful raised bed garden in place for this summer. which is caring for our needs until we return to Dine' be Keyah to serve among the Native tribes, especially the Dine' ( Navajo ), the Cowboys, and reach out to the lost among the subcultures.  As of the start of the Year, Rob and Morria were appointed Missions Team Leaders at Circle C Cowboy Church, which is leading to awesome opportunities to continue partnering with Broken Arrow Bible Ranch, and other ministries which Circle C is partnered with.  Morria is still serving on the worship team, and Rob is an "Arena Cowboy" on the setup/take-down side of things.  Shaddow Cross: Desert Refuge Outpost is fully set up now in our temp HQ with both Rob and Morria having offices to focus on their branches of ministry, Rob - Cowboy C...

The Outposts: Herbalist/Foraging Cabinet

Raven's Herbal Cabinet  At an Outpost or in one's home, one important thing to consider is where one's herbs are stored.  Besides needing glass jars, mortar and pestle, tins for salves, scales, and labels, one needs to have a place to keep them cool and dark when not in use.  This could be in one's "sick bay", healing room, or a corner of one's home, for general health and first aid needs. There are many options for this, from a shelf in one's kitchen to a full-on herbal cabinet, like our reader Raven Motley has  (pictured) , to a herbal nook like I have  (pictured) , to a full-on root cellar, where they are kept with stored root crops, and canned items for the winter, it takes a lot of planning to consider where they would best be kept. As one considers, take into account how many people there are in your family, what your herbal medicinal needs are, whether you use herbs alone, or you use some modern medicine as well, the storage area needs, and also...

The Outposts: What are Outposts?

The Outposts, like Desert Refuge Outpost , are to be safe havens and ministry centers scattered around the Southwest, North America, and even the World, for the sake of aiding those in the subcultures, the Underground, and those ministering to and with them.   These Outposts will serve as locations where Subculture Missionaries can gather for training, pack/receive Antioch Bags for Ministry, get training in sustainable foraging/gardening/wildsteading, and also provide food into the community by partnering with Farmers Markets and Food Pantries. Each location will be run by a host family, Desert Refuge Outpost for example is operated by myself, Lady Morria, and my husband Robby.  There will be others nearby who either stay on location, or at nearby homes, who work with the Outpost, and who serve in the local communities reaching out to the lost and dying in the shadowlands.  They will be near local subculture centers, but enough in the country to be safe places of re...